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A few weeks ago Tim was feeling restless, so we wandered around the Third Ward and then walked to the lake front. It was a wonderful day spent with my man, and I really enjoyed it. I posted about Engine Co. 10 already. The second half of the day was walking down to the lake.

As we were sitting overlooking the river (a rest for me), we heard the unmistakeable sound of a freighter horn. I think Tim was amused. I was clapping my hands with excitement.

We had plenty of time to get to the river to see the Lafarge freighter heading out to Lake Michigan.







She was a good size freighter. I am not certain, but I assume she was headed to Duluth/Superior to their dock there. šŸ™‚

We continued our walk down toward the Pierhead Lighthouse. We were not able to climb it, but I was VERY content to sit by it and look over the lake.



It is a shame that it has been “tagged” (white graffiti spray painted on her). Regardless, she is still beautiful!


This pic is looking back towards the Hoan bridge.


As we were sitting by the Pierhead Lighthouse, we noticed the fog was really starting to move in. The tower in the fog in the center of the picture is the Allen Bradley Clock Tower. You can see the fog settling over it.



We were walking along behind the Summerfest grounds. Within about fifteen minutes the fog was thick as pea soup. These two pictures are of the Hoan Bridge. Visibility was a quarter mile at the very most. At this point we decided to call it a day, and we headed for home. A mile (probably not even that far) inland, there was no fog at all, and the sun was shining beautifully. šŸ™‚  That’s Wisconsin for you!

Thanks for stopping by!
